
Things that matters!

Styling your site January 16, 2008

Filed under: Designs — mishrelic @ 6:46 am

Style sheets can be associated with documents using a list of link elements in the head. There are three different relationships external style sheets can have with the document: persistent, preferred, and alternate.


These style sheets are always enabled (they are always “on”) and are combined with the active style sheet. They can be used for shared rules common to every style sheet. To make a style sheet persistent, the rel attribute is set to “stylesheet” and no title attribute is set.

To make the style sheet paul.css persistent, the following link element would be included in the head:



These style sheets are enabled by default (they are “on” when the page is loaded). They can then be disabled if the user selects an alternate style sheet.

To make a style sheet preferred, the rel attribute is set to “stylesheet” and the style sheet is named with the title attribute.

Several preferred style sheets can be grouped together by giving them identical title attributes. These grouped style sheets are then all enabled and disabled together. If more than one group of preferred style sheets are declared, the first group takes precedence.

To make paul.css preferred, a title attribute is added, giving the default style a name.



These style sheets can be selected by the visitor as alternatives to the preferred style sheet. This allows the visitor to personalize a site and choose his or her favorite scheme. They can also be used for accessibility.

To specify an alternate style sheet, the rel attribute is set to “alternate stylesheet” and the style sheet is named with a title attribute. As with preferred sheets, these style sheets can also be grouped together by giving them identical title attributes.

Using the previous example again; to make paul.css into an alternate style sheet, the keyword “alternate” is added to the rel attribute.


Note that these relationships only apply to external style sheets which are included using the link element.

Swapping Styles

When a document is initially loaded, the persistent and preferred style sheets are applied to the document. The alternate style sheets can then be selected by the user. The W3C tells us that the browser should give us a choice of the style sheet we want to use, and suggests that perhaps a drop–down menu or tool bar will be provided.

So far, so good. We have several style sheets and the visitor can choose their favorite from a menu. But then we encounter a problem. A major one. Mozilla provides a menu to select the style sheet we want to use under the view menu item. But Microsoft Internet Explorer (MSIE) provides no such menu. So we have several style sheets, and no way to access them in MSIE.

Here’s where a little bit of JavaScript can be used along with the DOM to provide a way for MSIE and Mozilla users to select the style sheet they want to use. Their preference can also be stored in a cookie. And because we are using the link tags as the W3C tells us to, the JavaScript doesn’t interfere with the menu in Mozilla, and it degrades very gracefully.