
Things that matters!

The Secret October 21, 2008

Filed under: Gallimaufry — mishrelic @ 5:33 am

This is the book that I’m currently reading. The book is awesome, but what its telling us is something which we have already heard from our elders. The only thing why it hits me is that it tells us how to practice it & foolproof method to do it. It advocates the age -old saying that “THOUGHT” is very powerful & we create our life by thinking what we want to become & what all we want to experience in this life. Be it money, health, career…whatever. If you are stuck in a problem, not having great health or money & blah blah then its because of our thought. So its very important to think positively and enrich our life with whatever we desire. It also dispels all doubts of “I didn’t ask for this?” query & explains why its happening it to you. Must read! I adore this line in this book:

” Universe is the Genie & You the Alladin! You are the Master of the Universe, and the Genie is there to serve you! Your Wish Is Genie’s Command!”