
Things that matters!

Atlas Shrugged! September 20, 2012

Filed under: Gallimaufry — mishrelic @ 12:02 pm

Atlas Shrugged from Ayn Rand is my All time favourite & Dagny Taggart is who I identify with. Here are few ways that I identify with her:

  1. Alt A + Alt I the Haters – Here ‘A’ stands for Avoid and ‘I’ stands for Ignore. Bottom line is that you can’t please everyone at the cost of you being unhappy.
  2. Don’t defend, Just Do it  – At every baby step or major leap in life that you take there will be dissenters. Worry not, focus on your goal and create new roads for yourself instead of expecting the provider to mend the path for you. It’s useless to argue and to wonder about people who would neither refute an argument nor accept it.
  3. Don’t Let A Man Boss You Around—Unless, Of Course, You Like It – Ok I may sound like feminist but I am not. I have my rules around this too. No work should be divided as per the gender. While growing up there was lots that I wanted to do but was discouraged as traditionally it belongs to man’s domain…HAH!
  4. Applaud Good Work – I am all for work done well and appreciate the fact the same needs to be acknowledged and convey the person that his or her achievement is the greatest gift a human being could offer to others.
  5. Go With Your Gut – Womens are known to have strong 6th sense and that’s called intuition by many. I am for Gut feeling – not to trust, but to know. If I feel something is going to go wrong and don’t have enough clarity on what to expect, usuallyI trust my gut and go with that and most of the time I am correct 🙂
  6. Just Do It – Execution is what I value most and consider that every inventions in this world has not only great thoughts going into it but also actions; Only those ideas see the day of light which gets executed well.