
Things that matters!

Lazy me!! September 14, 2009

Filed under: Gallimaufry — mishrelic @ 5:36 am

Lazzzzzzyy…….yeah thats what I have been all this while wid no blog post for months. I find twittering to be more easier then writing a blog as few lines quenches my thirst for writing. But not any more as the inspiration adrenaline is runnning high today, wat wid 2 1/2 yr old coming out with her own blog @http://rhearajan.com. Now thats where the zest to write is coming from or is it compulsion??? Whatever I’m just happy to be back and kicking.

Lots have happened while I was away. My daughter is super excited about the fact that she’s going to have her own sibling in december. Also work has become quite meaningful & fulfilling. Twitter & facebook has become my companion,when friends and families are not around. I think the curiosity of knowing whats happening in others life make these social networking(twitter/facebook) site quite popular. And for an introvert its perfect gateway to be abreast of whats happeing around them. So happy twittering and facebooking.