
Things that matters!

Cab Woes! June 12, 2007

Filed under: Gallimaufry — mishrelic @ 5:04 am

Mercury is rising in delhi with temperature touching 46 degrees. In this hot weather traveling in Non-A/c cab is a torture. Ask me, I’m going through that torture…if not for my lively cab mates I would have quit it long before. Talking about cab mates reminds me how wonderful this otherwise painful journey of commuting from home to office and back becomes. Thankfully I’m not sitting with such callous attitude people who won’t even bother to look at you when you enter the cab, forget about adjusting to accomodate you. I believe you attract like minded people and surroundings around you 🙂 Each day comes with its own challenges and happiness. Everyone in the cab is like a family…sharing and advising each other how to sail through the problems…be it professional or personal. The best part is the unity that we share amongst each other & it teaches you how important it is to stay UNITED no matter what challenges you face as unity alone sails you smoothly through all of them.